Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Conflict Resolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Conflict Resolution - Essay Example blems faced by its employees with regard to dissatisfaction at work, conflicts among employees or between employees and managers; etc., which may have a strong impact on their morale. According to research, there is a strong and direct relationship between leadership and communication whereby effective leadership is known to result in better communication among the staff members and hence result in effective conflict resolution at work, thus ultimately influencing employees trust in the leader (Kasper-Feuhrer & Ashkanasy, 2001). Increased trust in the management is further associated with improved employee morale and performance, higher job satisfaction, and greater commitment to work (Costa 2003; Dirks and Ferrin, 2002; Cornell et al., 2003; Corbitt and Martz, 2003). This paper on Conflict resolution in workplace focuses on various issues such as policies and strategies implemented by management in order to improve employee / staff morale; address concerns with regard to internal conflict resolution; and resolve issues related to management of cultural diversity, and various forms of discrimination experienced by staff members. The Toyota Motor Sales Inc., has successfully implemented a unique dispute resolution policy whereby the grievances faced by the employees are resolved to the best of their abilities by the management. The company has developed a special forum which serves as a common platform for its employees to share their problems and issues faced by them with regard to disputes at workplace; in a bid to ensure that the same does not negatively affect their overall productivity. The company believes in quickly resolving conflicts at workplace through effective and prompt communication strategies and providing a healthy working environment whereby the employees are free to share and speak up regarding issues and matters most important for them. This is done through a unique communication policy developed and put into practice by the company, referred

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Study Of Female Deviance Criminology Essay

The Study Of Female Deviance Criminology Essay Living in a period which had totally ignored women and the study of female deviance (prior to 1960s), Professor Frances Heidensohn saw, as other criminologists, the immediate need for research and study on the deviant woman. As a pioneer of feminist perspectives in criminology, Heidensohns work provided the too much mans land of criminology and how women have been unfairly treated and neglected in previous studies. Heidensohn is considered to be a revolutionist in this field of criminology due to her pre-feminist work (Heidensohn 1968 and 1970) on the invisibleness and silence surrounding the female offender  [ii]  .Throughout her work and extensive research on a variety of different writers and criminologists, she stressed the lack of attention on gender dimensions and the tendency to over-sexualise women crimes. Clearly upset of this status quo, she pointed out also the necessity of taking into account autobiographical experiences of female offenders, who are the actual objects of this study. Frances Heidensohn; a professor in the Department of Sociology at London School of Economics, by her investigation on the study of gender in the context of crime, could be said to have set the foundations for next generations studies on feminist perspectives in criminology. Her biggest question mark was why the chapter of women and crime has been buried for such a long time and why there has been a failure to examine such an important issue. Most of her books and articles try to provide adequate aetiologies to all these question marks. Fortunately, things changed since the 1960s and feminism criminology was developed. As Heidensohn suggested in a metaphorical way, Like a wardrobe of new exciting clothes, a whole treasure generated in criminology. It offers us a great deal more to enrich our knowledge of women and crime. But there is much more on offer too.  [iii]  In other words, Professor Heidensohn held that even thought feminist criminology has been developed there are still many gaps and much more to be done. Thus, Heidensohn illuminated the path towards the understanding of female criminology. In the field of criminological study and most sociological research and writing, analyses of criminal women cannot be found before the 1960s. But even where they are considered, they are subject to marginalising and distorting treatment as Oakley noted in 1982  [iv]  or similarly as Klein suggested female criminality has often ended up as footnote to works on men that purport to be works on criminality in general  [v]  . This lack of interest was really surprising in Heidensohns eyes.  [vi]  As Frances Heidensohn noted in an important early article on deviance, virtually no serious scholarship has been undertaken to explain the dramatic difference between male and female lawbreaking.  [vii]  Hence, this status quo, which was much more due to male dominance, impelled her to start an extensive research on the subject to provide sufficient answers to all these questions raised. What was central to her work was the amnesia and neglect of women in previous studies in crimi nology and the fact that even where women were recognised, they were depicted in terms of stereotypes and based on their supposed biological and psychological nature  [viii]  . Her major argument which she highlights in all of her books, articles is the necessity of exploring gender in terms of understanding crime. Her discussion was concerned with personal experiences and autobiographies of women offenders in relation to the courts, the law and the police. She strongly stressed that at all levels women have been treated differently than men and in some cases harsher. Under the provisions of criminal law, women are theoretically equal to men. Conversely, she underlined that in many cases the laws on prostitution, for instance, prejudice against women and in general there is tendency to over-sexualise female crime. Frances Heidensohn objected this attitude towards female crime. Prostitution was seen only as sexual deviance and not as the rational choice for some women who need the financial support for themselves and their children (Heidensohn, 1968, p.168)  [ix]  . Klein also shared this opinion. Furthermore, criminal laws and lawyers tended to apply stereotype notions of what a proper woman is and does and dual assumptions such as virgin and whore were made when dealing with female offende rs. Yet, Heidensohn did not criticise that and she recognised that one cannot divorce the law and lawyer from the society in which they operate with its enormous cultural heritage and traditions  [x]  .Although she did argue about the too much mens world that existed, truly annoyed by the domination of men in administration as well as in the draft of legislation because of the implications that had on female offenders. Further, the courts even though women committed fewer and less serious crimes than men, were often harsher with women. According to Frances Heidensohn, there were several reasons that explained this stance by the courts. One of the strongest arguments that she made was that female criminals were considered to be doubly-deviant. Women criminals were very rare phenomena, a fact that biased the behaviour of the courts towards them. As Heidensohn had pointed out in one of her earliest presumptions, Women defendants therefore seem stranger and thus less comprehensible than men: they offend both against societys behavioural rules about property, drinking, or violence and also against the most fundamental norms which govern sex-role behaviour  [xi]  (Heidensohn, 1970, p.134). In other words, if they had been morally wrong, then they will be punished more; Courts and other agencies treat women as deviant twice over: they have broken criminal law and social expectations of proper female behaviour.  [xii]  In addition, the whole court procedure is something particularly bewildering, alien and unfair to female offenders.  [xiii]   While doing her research, Frances Heidensohn gave a great emphasis on the stereotype notions and the social standards that the society held for criminal women. In patriarchal societies, women were perceived as a source of disorder. Moral values and accepted social standards, especially in previous periods of time, rendered women subject to stricter rules. Moreover, the witch image as well as that of the whore seemed to be the key portrayals of the deviant women. The stereotype of witchcraft, which has always been linked to women, gave the idea of deviant women as especially evil, depraved and monstrous  [xiv]  . On the other hand, the tendency to sexualise the female offences portrayed them as whores. Professor Heidensohn argued that no such notions exist, equivalent to male deviants. On the contrary, male deviants either receive public approval-boys will be boys,- or are at least more positively portrayed  [xv]  . She continued her argument and she strongly criticized the ro le the media had overplayed in forming these ideas; male offenders in novels, films were presented as heroes, something that affected the public reaction and opinion. In reviewing traditional criminology and classical criminological writers, Heidensohn observed that female criminality was determined by their biology and psychology. Lombroso; the father of criminology, and Ferreros research, which focused on the meditation of the skulls, bones and appearance of female criminals, came to the conclusion that women deviants could be recognised by their physical appearance and they had very similar characteristics to male deviants. Women criminals like their masculine counterparts, had certain allegedly atavistic features, notably unfeminine features and built and dark masculine hair.  [xvi]  Additionally, they claimed that criminal women are abnormal. Following these lines, Professor Heidensohn found herself contrary to this presumption. She argued that his analysis of photographs of fallen women is as objective as adjudication in a beauty contest.  [xvii]  Furthermore, Lombroso and Ferreros theories did not provide us an adequate and precise understanding of female crime.What they did show us was the attempt to rationalise and justify the status quo, the existing position of women and the double standard of morals of their day.  [xviii]  Thus they did not draw away from the stereotype notions and the dual assumptions about women (good or bad, normal or abnormal). Deviant Womens experiences was a central method used by Frances Heidensohn and feminist writers towards the understanding of female delinquency; concentration on the researched and their experiences. Even though this methodology received much criticism (Ramazanoglu and Holland 2002)  [xix]  , Heidensohn and Gelsthorpe argued that close reading of feminist discussions ultimately reveal no fixed absolutes beyond the need for sensitivity in the research task, for personal reflexivity and commitment to make the research relevant to women.  [xx]  This methodology vested women the right to speak for themselves, their experiences, their feelings and thoughts. The technique of viewing the world through womens eyes was successful in making women visible in criminology and additionally created awomens world too. The concentration on womens experiences led to some crucial developments in female criminology and feminist contributions to criminology. Feminism standpoitism as Harding puts it (1987)  [xxi]  reflected the concept of viewing the world through womens eyes and encouraged both theoretical and personal reflexivity in relation to knowledge and the process of knowledge production through research.  [xxii]  However, the key aspect of focusing on the experiences of female criminals was that it rendered gender as the basis of understanding and interpreting crime and social conduct rather than simply as a statistical variable. As a synopsis of her study, Frances Heidensohn argued that what seems to be needed in the study of female deviance is a crash programme of research which telescopes decades of comparable studies of males.  [xxiii]  Also, she was consistent with what Mannheim recommended, who held that an objective and scientific approach should try to treat female crime as a topic in its own right.  [xxiv]  She therefore concluded in her book on Women and Crime that in order to gain understanding on women and crime other analyses such as family life, position and social control of women, male dominance should be taken into account. Arguably, she supported that this could not be achieved through feminist criminology or sociology of deviance.  [xxv]   Frances Heidensohns observations have not been subject to too much criticism as Lombrosos or other criminologists theories. However, some points that she did make were subject to debate and disapproval. Allison Morris was one of those who contravened with some of her presumptions. Her enantiosis was basically on the fact that the criminal justice system is a peculiarly alien an unfamiliar world  [xxvi]  only for women. Morrison focused on the belief that criminal law is sexist in the treatment of deviant girls and women and she went on to say that such factors as race, family circumstances and commitments, types of offence and previous record all clearly mediate the treatment of both female and male defendants and may be that some of those factors are as important as gender, if not more so.  [xxvii]  Indeed, Heidensohn relied on this assumption; that sex is the most crucial aspect and that it is not only women who are being deprived in the criminal justice system. However, wh at Morrison strongly argued was Heidensohns failure to identify other groups of people who could be treated unfairly under the criminal system or the court could be biased against them and to whom the whole process might be unfamiliar and alien. Such groups of people, as Morris suggests could be for young black and working -class men or minorities.  [xxviii]  Finally, she pointed out that it is wrong to present womens experiences in the criminal justice system as a unitary experience. We know that black women are over-represented in our prisons. We need to be able to account for this.  [xxix]  In my personal opinion Morrison made a full disclosure of the reality; that minorities or black people or people of different social standards, could also be treated unfairly in court or could be subject to discriminatory wrongs. She made a very strong argument which did take into account and tried to defend other social and powerless groups and not only women, something that Heidensoh n failed to do. Moreover, that could be the basis for other perceptions that Heidensohn provided. This is the one of economic rationality or that of stigma. Consequently it is not only women who can be motivated by the economic needs to commit a crime; people of a lower class can commit crimes as a result of poverty; or it is not only women who fear the idea of being stigmatised by their offences. Carlen Pat also argued at this part that this stance could cause race or class conflicts. Finally, in general Carlen suggested that no feminism theory could offer aetiologies to three major issues concerning female delinquency; that womens crimes are in the main, the crimes of the powerless; that women in prison are disproportionately from ethic minority groups; and that a majority of women in prison have been in poverty for the greater part of their lives.  [xxx]   Synoptically, Frances Heidensohns contribution to criminology was enormous in relation to female offenders. It could be said as having two sides of a coin. Her research in conjunction with that of other feminist criminologists illuminated the path towards the understanding of the female deviance. However, even though they shed some light on it there are still some dark aspects. As Frances Heidensohn pointed out, the study of female deviance has still a long way to go. The most crucial drawback that I can identify in her work was the lack of consideration of other factors that could play a valid role in the field of understanding crime such as race, class, nationality, age and other social characteristics rather than only focusing on gender dimensions and giving privileges only to women.

Friday, October 25, 2019

My Hike in Yosemite :: Autobiography, Personal Experience

The trip began when I took a small green pencil and signed by name on the release forms needed to hike in Yosemite National Park. I and nine of my friends left the ranger station that night with a neatly folded map and a felling of excitement to what lay ahead. The long drive to the park left us tired and in need of a good night’s sleep. We decided to stay in tent city like most hikers do before they set out for their trek. Tent city was a large subdivision of tents that resembled a community of houses. Each tent was perfectly uniformed in its appearance and made up a total of fifty tents. Before we went to bead, we studied our maps and made an itinerary to the amount of hiking we would do. The next day began with an alarm clock echoing in my ears at 6 a.m. Our first days hike started early and began with one of the most impressive features of the park. El Capitan is a giant slab of granite rock that towers thousands of feet above the valley floor. Like a skyscraper, the rock has a presence of amazement surrounding its every crevice and crack. After a few minutes of starring at the rock had passed, Eric the leader for that days hike shouted that it was time to go. Because the leader was in charge of the navigation and speed we traveled, he knew that we would not make our campsite if we did not continue. Time drugged along as the weight of a forty-pound pack full of food and water dug into to my bony shoulders. My pack seemed to be getting heaver as the day went on. My shoulders pulsed with pain from the thinly padded straps that connected to my pack. Four hours of this pain was all I could handle. I decided that this was enough I needed to stop. I shouted to Eric that I needed to take a break. He quickly turned around and said it was okay if we stopped. Because it was close to lunch everyone agreed and we all set down to eat lunch. Each one of us was caring five days worth of food for our trek. Every meal was neatly packed in a clear plastic bag and labeled for when it should be eaten. I opened up a package of peanut butter crackers from my lunch package and stared into the open field we had stopped in.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How the divorce impact the children Essay

Divorce has become an everyday part of American society today. This has caused parents and professionals alike to have concern about the effects of divorce on children of all ages. Research in this area is new but is nevertheless helping us to gradually gain a better understanding and appreciation that divorce is difficult for a child of any age. This paper considers the effects of divorce on children ranging in age by summarizing and analyzing existing research. The focus of my paper will be measuring the different aspects of life affected by a child’s experience with divorce. Some of the factors that will be of concern include the subject’s age at the time of the divorce, gender and time passed since the divorce occurred. Mainly, this paper will be trying to prove that divorce can and does affect many aspects of a child’s future. There have been numerous studies and piles of research done on this topic since the beginning of divorce and more so now due to its rising numbers in our society. from the research that I have completed, it appears that a lot of this research is consistent as far as their results go. Divorce has become a major concern for children’s health and development in American society. Parents and professionals are becoming much more interested in the effects of divorce on children. It is definitely known that divorce is a very stressful time for children. Children, adolescents, and teenagers will are likely to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness and anger during and after their experiencing their parents’ divorce. Many of the resources that I have read have stated that parental divorce produced a moderate, long-term negative impact on their mental health as adults. The negative effects of divorce on mental health operated indirectly through higher emotional problems and lowe r levels of school achievement and family economic status. I have found that there have been several theoretical perspectives created, that I have read about, that try to explain some of the effects of divorce and other types of explanations for some of the behaviors. Some of these include the socialization perspective of divorce, interparental conflict, the divorce-stress-adjustment perspective, etc. These theories choose  different ways of looking at how divorce may affect the child experiencing it. One of these that I discussed, as an example was the divorce-stress-adjustment perspective, this views divorce as a very long-term event, beginning with the arguments and other behaviors that occur while the couple lives together and ending long after the legal procedures have been completed. This perspective also goes into the different emotional, behavioral and health issues connected with divorce. Many researchers are looking at divorce as an easy way out or selfishness on the part of the parents. Parents are not thinking about the lifelong and traumatic effects that they might be creating for their children by making the permanent decision to divorce. In most cases, unhappily married parents staying together for the sake of their kids, will be found as beneficial for them. Research has found that children of divorce are more likely to develop mental and emotional disorders later in life. These children are also likelier to start sexual activity earlier, abuse drugs, turn to crime and even as fateful as committing suicide. They additionally will find themselves facing problems in their future intimate relationships as they may not have had the proper model for one through their parents due to their split. These emotional problems may not appear right away that is why they have been given the title of a â€Å"sleeper effect†. Their parents divorce hangs like a cloud over their lives haunting them later on as adults. In researching my objective I do hope to find more precise descriptions on divorce than I presently have knowledge of. I want to develop a much better understanding of what aftermath, if it exists, of divorce may be for a child’s future. I think that I will have excellent results due to the fact that I will be studying numerous studies that have already been completed rather than just one or creating my own new study. My plan was to use more of a qualitative analysis through my research as opposed to a quantitative analysis. This is because I want to have a better sense of social observations that have previously been made. I will base my report on the information that I find by comparing and contrasting these numerous researchers’ collections of work. This is in hopes of finding any of the kinks that I may come across by reading so many different research projects  and then summarizing and putting all of the information together to make my final conclusions. According to Webster’s Dictionary, the definition of divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage or to end marriage with one’s spouse. In looking up grounds for divorce one will find many different variations including but most certainly not limited to, adultery, desertion, physical or mental cruelty, habitual drunkenness, incurable mental illness, conviction of a crime, nonsupport, etc. The statistics for divorce in the 1990’s suggest that around fifty percent of marriages inevitably end in divorce. Given this startling figure, the assumption can be made that many children will experience some effects caused by this life-changing event called divorce. This unsettling realization that is being made through the collections of research being done is that young children of divorced parents are facing various types of psychological challenges due to the environmental conditions and changes associated and brought about by the event of divorce. â€Å"Recently, fami ly researchers have started to perceive marital disruption as a continuous, multistage process that may begin long before families dissolve and extend many years after divorce or separation† (Sun, 697). Children that experience their parents’ divorce will have trouble in the future with numerous social developments in their life such as, school, socialization with peers, intimate relationships, etc. My objective in doing this research is to study children that have experienced their parents’ divorce and find out how this may affect them in the future. I have a particular interest in this topic because my parents were divorced when I was thirteen. This experience was very hard on me and I feel that it still affects me today in certain aspects of my life. I also believe that it may have had a lot to do with molding me into the person that I am today. I would like to research this topic to see what has been found thus far through research so that I can develop a better understanding of my own personal situation and the millions of others in this similar situation. When compared to children of never-divorced families, researchers have agreed that children and adolescents from divorced families show poorer adjustment in numerous aspects of life. After following more than 100 kids whose parents had recently divorced, Judith Wallerstein concluded that the effects of a break in the family unit can be life-long and traumatic for a considerably large enough group of children and adolescents for us to have concern. â€Å"While their parents might feel liberated by getting out of an unhappy marriage, the kids were bereft. In interviews, many expressed a profound pessimism about their future† (Kantrowitz, 48). Adolescents and children also battle with anxiety, and self blame and anger, which then transform into the undercurrent for making bad decisions in their future relationships, and giving up hastily when any new kind of problems present themselves. Part of this struggle is said to be due to â€Å"the loss of the powerful mental image of the intact family inflicts the crucial harm† (Leo, 140). Later as adults, these young people become frightened of failure, commitment, and terrified that they might end up following in their parents footsteps. Such emotional hardships only set the stage for misbehavior and delinquent activity. As marriage has become a more optional and less permanent institution in contemporary America, adolescents are encountering stresses and adaptive challenges that reflect off of their parents’ marital transitions. Such dysfunctional self-concepts, anxiety and trouble adapting socially as discussed earlier have been proven to affect the child’s actions, as well as their mindset. Recent studies have shown that children of divorce are more depressed, aggressive toward parents and teachers, more likely to develop mental and emotional disorders later in life, start sexual activity earlier, have more children out of wedlock, have problems with drug abuse, crime and even have been lead to suicide (Leo, 140). The anxiety battles they face are brought with them most everywhere, including the classroom where numerous problems are being displayed. Additionally, these problems in the classroom may sooner than later appear on the streets and neighborhoods in some form of delinquency or violence. One of the concepts developed to describe an aspect of these problems caused  in children of divorce is the â€Å"sleeper effect†. This term is found in many researchers’ writings to describe the â€Å"deep and long-term emotional problems that arise only when the children enter early adulthood and begin to confront issues of romance and marriage† (Leo, 140). It is because of the â€Å"sleeper effect† that so many children of divorce are later in life finding themselves having different problems with numerous aspects including intimate relationships that they become involved in. Divorce is a difficult thing for a child of any age to be forced to face as their reality. Understanding what may be the necessity of the divorce is never the problem, it is learning how to deal with the consequences of it that they will find themselves facing later on down the road. Parental conflict appears to have a pronounced effect on the coping efforts of children. The intense anxiety and anger between some parents in the early stages of divorce is all too real. It is common behavior for the parents to allow their children to get in the middle of fierce verbal confrontations that may be occurring between them. Criticizing and belittling the other parent in front of the child is another way of placing the child in an unfair position. This, in essence, is leading to putting the pressure on the child to feel as if they must choose between the parents. A less tangible example of parental-conflict is the way in which the two opposite genders relate to one another in the presence of children. Mothers may treat fathers as if they are less important and undeserving of respect, just as the opposite can apply. Any form of parental conflict, no matter to what degree, leads to more confusion and a difficult adjustment period for the children involved. The deterioration in parent-child relationships after divorce is another leading cause in psychological maladjustment for children. â€Å"Recent studies say that it’s not the parents’ marriage or divorce that affects children’s later relationships, but the parent-child bond that is key to children’s success in achieving their own satisfying adult relationships† (Campbell, 16). With any divorce comes a new parenting plan of some kind. A child may experience either shared custody between the two parents or custody by one parent with visitation by the other parent. Variations of these plans can  be included or added at different times in the child’s life depending on special circumstances. More often than not, the mother is awarded custody of the children. The absence of the father on a full time level is detrimental to the healthy development of the children. In the case that the father is awarded custody of the children, the opposite applies as well. â€Å"Some scholars see the two-parent family as the fundamental institution of society–the setting in which adults achieve a sense of meaning, stability, and security and the setting in which children develop into healthy, competent, and productive citizens† (Amato, 1269). Studies have shown that deterioration in custodial parent-child relationships may frequently occur in the first year or two following divorce. The correlation between divorce and a drop in standards of living for female-headed families has been documented in several studies. The association between divorce and financial difficulties in these households may negatively impact children’s adjustment periods. â€Å"Because females have lower-paying jobs and often aren’t able to collect child support, they can’t provide an adequate standard of living for their families† (Henderson, 2). It is a disappointing statement but sadly usually still true today that men commonly are more successful in their occupations than women. Men are usually the ones that bring home more money and women usually win custody battles so a balance has to be found; the resulting decision most commonly being some form of child support. The decrease in income level can contribute to anxiety, frustration, and even embarrassment for children. Listed by age group are some of the more common post-divorce symptoms experienced by children. Preschool children are more likely to blame themselves and to experience nightmares, enuresis, and eating disturbances. Early-school age children suffer with academic problems, withdrawal and depression. Older school age children are more likely to blame one parent for the divorce and feel intense anger at one or both of their parents. Adolescents experience the most intense anger and also exhibit problems with developmental issues of independence and interpersonal relationships. The adjustment period for children experiencing divorce is traumatic. Parental conflict is generally high and tense in the beginning stages, which gives  children a sense of insecurity. Change occurring in the parent-child relationship is almost always prevalent leading children to worry about who will take care of them. Disorganization and inconsistency in parenting styles leave the children in a state of confus ion. Children don’t know what behavior is acceptable at mom’s vs. dad’s place of residence. Due to all these changes, it is reasonable to hypothesize that environmental condition and change associated with the post divorce adjustment period are mediated both by the different experiences that occur and by different responses to these experiences. This investigation was done as a means of proving my hypothesis that I developed before setting out to find my resources. My goal was to explore the different perceptions and experiences had by children of divorce that were stated in numerous different collections of research. This is what makes my research a qualitative study since I have chosen to examine and interpret my observations through the research of many other examiners of this topic. I have done this for the purpose of discovering any underlying meanings and patterns that may exist concerning the effects of divorce on children. As had been stated earlier, around 50% of marriages end in divorce. Divorce rates seem to be constantly rising, numbers closer to 60% have also been reported. â€Å"More than 12 million children younger than 18 years of age have divorced parents, and more than 1 million children younger than 18 years of age will experience divorce this year† (Lebowitz, 695). Even though growing up in divorced families raises the risk certain kinds of psychological, emotional and physical problems, it by no means forces the child into a terrible life. It has been found and recorded that â€Å"75% to 80% of children of divorce are functioning well, with little long-term damage†¦.25% of children from divorced families have serious social, emotional or psychological problems† (Corliss and McLauglin, 40). This study obviously is mainly focused on children ranging in ages from younger school aged to older teenagers and college adults. The one thing that the subjects in this study will have in common is their having been  through their parents’ divorce at some point in their childhood, adolescence or teenage years. Divorce obviously affects both males and females. The two genders have shown that they are affected differently in some cases, though they are for the most part similar. As long as families follow the trend that divorce is setting, more and more children will become the victims of their own parents’ divorce and be left to fend for themselves whether it is physically with unstable custodial parents or mentally without the needed role models and structure in their lives to keep them headed in a more positive direction. Divorce has been shown to adversely affect academic performance, and personal characteristics as far as social skills and self-presentation, it erodes the parent-child relationship and takes away structure and replaces it with a consequence free environment. When you take a child, an adolescent none-the-less at the height of confusion and insecurity and remove boundaries such as parents, rules, and regulations, some sort of trouble is likely to result. It is true that children are our future, so maybe we should be taking this fact into more serious consideration when making the decision to divorce which will more than likely have some kind of negative effect on their future well-being. The easiest recommendation to give to any married couple with children is to remain married for the kids’ sake. â€Å"If a couple can repair their marriage and develop an effective parental alliance, their kids will certainly benefit† (Coontz, 21). Divorce is commonly the easy way out, rather than spending a little extra time working things out, couples selfishly opt to divorce. Usually, their reasons for divorce are nothing more than just not getting along with each other like they used to. Parents have, for some reason, become unwilling to put forth the extra necessary effort towards making their relationship successful. Bibliography: Amato, Paul R. 2000. â€Å"The Consequences of Divorce for Adults and Children†. Journal of Marriage and Family. Vol. 62 Issue 4, p1269. Henderson, Zorika Petic. 1993. â€Å"Divorce Impoverishes Women and Children†. Human Ecology. Vol. 21, Issue 1 p2. Kirn, Walter. 2000. â€Å"Should You Stay Together for the Kids?† Time. September 25. Lach, Jennifer. 1999. â€Å"The Consequences of Divorce†. American Demographics. Vol 21 Issue 10 p14. Lebowitz, Marcia Lipman. 2001. â€Å"Divorce and the American Teenager†. American Academy of Pediatrics. Richardson, Christina D. and Rosen, Lee A. 1999. â€Å"School-Based Interventions for Children of Divorce†. Professional School Counseling, Vol. 3 Issue 1, p21. Robertson, Ian. 1995. â€Å"Bloody Kids†. British Medical Journal. Vol. 310 Issue 6987 p1143. Royal, Sharon W. and Knoff, Howard M. 1990. â€Å"Children and Divorce†. School Psychology Review. Vol. 19 Issue 2 p253. Studer, Jeannine R. and Allton, Judith A. 1996. â€Å"When Parents Divorce: Assisting Teens Adjust Through a Group Approach†. Guidance and Counseling. Vol. 11 Issue 4, p33. Webster, Pamela; Orbuch, Terri L. and House, James S. 1995. â€Å"Effects of Childhood Family Background on Adult Marital Quality and Perceived Stability†. American Journal of Sociology. Vol. 101 Issue 2, p404.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Knowledge About Ionising Radiation Among Dentists

Introduction: Dental radiography has evolved over the last decade. The evolution began with the introduction of new changes to the operations of dental radiology. Some examples of these changes include new machines, smaller beam sizes, increased filtration, advanced techniques, faster film speeds and large increases in utilization (White, 1992, 118-26). However, concerns do remain about the possible adverse effects of dental radiography on humans for several reasons: firstly, these procedures remain the only common type of diagnostic radiography capable of being performed without intensifying screens, requiring concomitantly higher doses. Secondly, the targets to film distance are short. The third reason is the emitted rays are in near to sensitive organs in the head and neck region. These examinations are among the most common diagnostic radiographic procedures performed today. Based on these examinations, previous studies have concluded an increased risk for salivary gland, thyroid, and brain tumors (UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, 2000, Vol.1). Literature Review According to UNSCEAR 2000 Report (European Union, 1997, 22), dental radiography is one of the most frequent types of radiological procedures. Although the exposure associated with dental radiography is relatively low, any radiological procedure should be justi?ed and optimized in order to keep the radiation risk as low as reasonably achievable (Radiation Protection 136). Dose assessment is recommended to be performed on a regular basis to ensure that patient exposure is always kept within the recommended levels and to identify possible equipment malfunction or inadequate technique (Alme’n, Mattsson, 1996, 81-89). With comparison to adults, children have been found to be more radiosensitive (International Commission on Radiological Protection, 1991, Publication 60). Therefore, increased attention is recommended in supervising children to minimize the medical radiation exposure to children. All radiological procedures carried out on children must adapt to special radiation prote ction measures, which aims at recognizing and implementing possible dose reduction strategies in order to eliminate unnecessary and therefore un-justi?ed radiation exposure.It is the responsibility of the health care professional to provide firsthand knowledge to the patients undergoing all radiological procedures and processes. The dentist can answer queries of any patient with regard to radiation hazards, which can be reliable provided their knowledge is adequate and up-to-date. The knowledge related to radiation is taught during undergraduate training in medical colleges. However, dentists grossly underestimated the proper risk regarding proper use of medical imaging tools and their associated radiation risks (International Commission on Radiological Protetion, 1991, Publication 60). On the other hand, the incorrect information about its safety and effectiveness, is made and promoted by some dentists who are paid and sponsored by the manufacturers of these devices to lecture a nd give seminars promoting their products. The conflict of interest does add extra concern about the safety of these products. OBJECTIVES & METHODSThe objectives of the study will be to:Assesses dentist’s knowledge about ionizing radiations and their hazard on the patient. Identify the level of understanding regarding use of ionizing equipment’s among dentist. METHODS: The research will assess the ionizing radiations knowledge, risk and awareness among dentists in Australia and Jordan. The approach to this assessment will use a survey that will be distributed to 300 dentists. These are some of the questions that I will be asking the dentists: 1-Name (optional) 2- Sex 3- Age 4- Dental school 5- Year graduated 6- Residency 7- Experience 8- Risks associated with ionizing radiation on human tissue 9- Methods of mitigating or preventing ionization radiation during practice 10- Best practices associated with ionizing radiation HYPOTHESIS The null hypothesis or my expected outcome of the survey results is that of the better hospitals, or the institution of allied health care that provide ionization radiation during practice to have dentists that understand the risks better than other doctors. The other doctors are understood to be in practice in less stellar institutions of allied healthcare. The alternative hypothesis is that doctors at the stellar institutions as well as doctors at the lesser institutions are unaware of the risks associated with ionizing radiation. References White SC. assessment of radiation risk from dental radiography. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 1992;21(3):118-26. United Nations Scienti?c Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. Sources and effect of ionizing radiation. Report Vol. 1 UNSCEAR publications (2000). European Union. Council Directive 97/43 Euratom, on health protection of individuals against the dangers of ionizing radiation in relation to medical exposures, and repealing Directive 84/466 Euratom. Off. J. Eur. Commun. L180, 22 (1997). Radiation protection 136. European Guidelines on radiation protection in dental radiology: The safe use of radiographs in dental radiology. European Commission publications. Alme?n, A. and Mattsson, S. On the calculation of effective dose to children and adolescents. J. Radiol. Prot. 16(2), 81–89 (1996). International Commission on Radiological Protection. 1990 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. ICRP Publication 60. (Oxford: Pergamon Press) (1991).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Love is in the Air †How the World Gets Ready for Romance

Love is in the Air – How the World Gets Ready for Romance Love is In the Air: How the World Gets Into the Romantic Mood Valentine’s Day is almost here. Florists tell us that this is the biggest sales day they have all year. Candy stores stock up for their big sale day too. And jewelry stores start advertising on TV, social media, and anywhere else they can find a spot. More couples get engaged on Valentine’s Day than any other day of the year. Even though Valentine’s Day has some dark history in its beginning, no one cares. It’s the day that love is celebrated. Go, how do we get ready for romance? Here are a few ways. If you haven’t tried them, now is the time to experiment. Rent Some Movies A few days before the big day, begin to watch some romantic movies with your significant other. Some great options are: â€Å"Sleepless in Seattle† – two strangers, one little boy – it’s a match â€Å"Titanic† – tragic, but oh the love â€Å"Pretty Woman† – people from very different backgrounds can still fall in love â€Å"Ghost† – another tragic love story, but love is still eternal â€Å"The Notebook† – forbidden love can triumph One a night for 5 nights before Valentine’s Day should do the trick. Download Your Favorite Romantic Songs Play these often in the days leading up to Valentine’s Day. The mood just gets more and more romantic. Here are a few suggestions: â€Å"Let’s Get it On† – Marvin Gaye â€Å"50 Candles† – Boyz II Men â€Å"Crash Into Me† – Dave Matthews Band â€Å"Just Because† – Johnny Mathis â€Å"Fly Me to the Moon† – Julie London â€Å"The Longer We Make Love† – Barry White You probably have others that are your favorites. The criteria is that they make you feel romantic and ready for love. A Romantic Dinner It doesn’t have to be at a restaurant. Candles, low lighting, a favorite meal, and lots of wine – a definite recipe for romance Dress Nothing gets romance going better than some totally sexy outfits – buy a few and sport them just before the big day. Save the best for that romantic dinner. Poetry Think ahead on this one. If you don’t feel creative but want to show thought and effort, contact a custom writing service and have one of their creatives craft the perfect poem. You can personalize it by giving your writer details about your love. Flowers Of course, red roses are the flower of choice on Valentine’s Day. Sending them to a woman at her place of work is particularly smart, because then she can show to everyone else how much she is loved by her man and how thoughtful he is. Valentine’s Day Around the World Japan: Role reversal is the â€Å"rule.† This is the day that women shower their men with gifts – usually chocolate. This tradition also exists in S. Korea and Taiwan. But there is also a â€Å"White Day later on when the roles are reversed. Denmark and Norway: Valentine’s Day has only recently begun to be celebrated in these two countries, but it is celebrated by men writing short little poems to women anonymously. If the woman guesses the name of the send, he must then give her an Easter egg on Easter. If she fails, she has to give him an egg on Easter. Wales: In Wales, a man shows his love for a woman by presenting her with a spoon. This goes way back to when men were gone to sea for long periods of time and spent their free time carving intricate spoons from wood and presenting them to their love upon their return. In America we have roses; in Wales are the spoons! A national day of love is a good thing. And it doesn’t have to just be between man and woman. It is a great day for parents and children to show their love for one another too.

Monday, October 21, 2019

buy custom The Education System in California essay

buy custom The Education System in California essay Introduction California is the most populous state in the United States of America. With a student population of more than six million, learning institutions especially in the public institution are feeling the burden. The education system consists of both the private and the public schools. California State is a cosmopolitan state inhabited by the people of all races. However, the highest number of the inhabitants is the immigrants especially from Africa, Asia and Latin America. The attractive nature of the California city to people from various places of the world has been contributed to the strategic nature of the town to both economic and social facilities. The rapid increase in population of the city has however had negative impact to social facilities available. The education sector was among the hardest hit with inadequate learning material and quality of education being the key problems. Education system and brief history According to Sidlow (p245), Californias education system at one time was the strongest worldwide. Public education began with state funding of pre-schools. This trend continued to the elementary, secondary education, collages and the universities. California has three public systems of higher education; the California community collage, the California state university system and the university of California system. The California community collages serves as the gateways to the four year collages and universities. Usually a student is allowed to study in the community collages for given number of years (usually two) before transferring to the collages and universities to complete for the collage certificate. The main state research university is the University of California which has ten major campuses spread all over United States. California state university is the third largest university system in the `unites states. Notable private university of equal importance is the Universit y of Stanford, Toure University and the University of Southern California (Lawrence.p37). California has several other private collages spread all over California State. The educational facilities provided a number of learning opportunities to the citizens of California and other states. The deteriorating education system The California ones formidable educational system began declining with the introduction and passage of policies that undermined education giving priorities to other sectors (Sidlow, p343). Many people mark the decline of the quality education with the passage of the proposition 13bill.The property tax measure reduced funds to most schools and provided even less to schools that needed funds most. Since then the policymakers and the schools in general have been grabbling with this limited funds. Although many efforts have been made to avert the whole staggering problem, the piecemeal reforms and the educational fads have undermined the achievement. Also the some well intentioned innervations drafted by the educationists and economists targeting reduction of the size of students per single teacher, curriculum revision and test based accountability have been too little and too late. At the same time this policies have been loaded with the unintended consequences that worsen the problem ( Mooney.p26). Mismanagement is also a major problem (McChesney, p76). Some issues regarding mismanagement are so complex that they can not be solved locally. Solving mismanagement problem requires that state officials hold all the districts accountable for the making sure that all the resourced get into the classroom and the needy students. It also requires intervention and action when local problems are detected. However the state has no mechanism to make reliable follow up and monitoring to discern such action from happening. Because of the poor policy that leads to inadequate funding, teachers and other professional in the teaching field have been inadequate. Many of the teachers were deployed forcing them to move to other states to search for jobs. Currently California has the highest number of students per single teacher. Students are congested in classes with few learning material hence raising question on the quality of education that is provided in such institution (Laspina, p45). A research carried out recently proved that highest number of Latino African American students and students from poor families have the biggest shortage of textbooks, the lowest numbers of qualified teachers (Smart, p20). In conjunction to this, the same students attend the states most overcrowded schools. California educational and accountability system has failed because lack of inadequate systems and mechanisms to put all the perpetrators into justice. The people who shold hold the management accountable have no control power. For instance teachers have no control power over overcrowded schools and the students can not insist being thought by teachers who are demoralized because of the low salaries or demotion. Teachers, students and the state government have both roles of ensuring that educational standards are raised. Access of quality education to all inhabitants of California is crucial for faster development of the state (McChesney, p81). Quality education is of high concern also because of the worrying separation and unequal system of education. The poor students, student of color and English language learners do not access to the same educational resources as their wealthier and white peers. It should be agreed that such fundamental opportunities to learn are critical for learning and for the future of California citizens all together. This unfair learning condition has contributed to the inequalities in the access to higher education and skilled jobs. Educational inequality will result to increased state insecurity as resources will only revolve around a few families leaving the rest suffering (Sproul, p69). Overhauling educational standards in California Due to dwindling of educational system, the state government of California and stakeholders in the education sectors joined together to come up with a long term solution to the problem (Kemerer, p68). Among the recommendations that were arrived at was the drafting of a master plan that was to address the whole issue of education accessibility and inequality. This plan was intended to serve as a benchmark for policy makers, educators, educational and community based agencies, business leaders in making decision that supports the quality and accessibly education. This was also intended to give clear statements and goals as well as the responding to immediate local needs. However it was agreed that quick sort term measurement was needed first to change the situation in the ground. The adoption of this positive development plan was envisioned to develop and maintain a coherent system of first rate schools, colleges and universities that is to prepare all the students for learning and for transition and successful in all aspects of education (Sonstelie,p36). Effective and accountable educational system must focus fist on the learner. Strictures, policies, and financing must be revaluated to ensure that they are supportive to the learners and their acquisition of the knowledge and skills (Johnson.p59). Good education must target the success of learner. Therefore policy that focuses on the helping all learners achieve their educational needs without bias. Students from poor background have equal opportunities of accessing quality education just like those from the rich background. Equal education for all has been broad goal in the Americas public education for many years. To achieve this goal, the government of United States and the state of California have role to ensure that all public schools are provided with the instructional material and other equipments that will ensure that children have succeeded in their educational career. Instructional materials may include the provision of adequate and relevant learning material such as textbooks. The distribution of such materials should be priorities in areas of high demand especially in schools that are overpopulated and lack crucial learning materials. Secondly, strict ,mechanism have been placed to ensure that al children will not only get to school in an already established system but ensure that the children are natured and rewarded such that they will ultimately graduate from both high school and colleges with knowledge, skills that will self initiate the life long self learning (Laspina, p79). In this spirit, it is believed that the more and more children will get access to quality education that will help them in their lives. All school going children should be granted access to free public education as outlined in the constitution of United States (Johnson, p57). This guarantee is applicable to all students attending rural, suburban and urban schools; students from low, middle and high income families. Also formidable mechanism should be put in place to ensure that the students whose home language is not English and those who have spoken English at the entire of their life have accessed quality education. Adult learners who had never had opportunity to go to school have to be factored as they form the backbone and bulky of the workforce in the industries. This means that quality education should also be granted to the adults should they choose to pursue adult or postsecondary education with California states. Every element of the California educational system is therefore informed byy the new plans and will work to ensure that appropriate learning opportunities occur resulting to considerable gains in the every students knowledge and intellectual development. The underlying policy of equipping all learning institution with modern learning equipment should be done fairly and transparently. Effective and transparent mechanism is to be employed to ensure t hat each individual in the education sector is held accountable for actions that might be demeaning the education sector. Greater academy achievement can be realized by encouraging the students to work hard and have positive attitude towards learning (Johnson, p61). Effective remuneration should be given to all teachers to boost there morale in handling the overwhelming number of children enrolment in public school (Laspina, p91). Teachers play a central role in the development of children. Quality training, behavioral changes and willingness to give the best to learners are key virtues that should be engraved in the heart of each teacher. In pursuit of quality but affordable education, the state government of California should consider retraining all those teachers whose performance are in great drought. This will aims at not only improving teachers performance but also create faith in many parents who have for long time held low opinion on the most training schools in California. Thousands of teachers redeployed due to bad economic times should be returned to work. this might not be possible as majority got jobs else ware but by offering them attractive salaries and good working conditions, they might decide to come back as many are still attached with the splendor and attractive scenery of Chicago state. However if this strategy fails, the state government has a responsibility of sourcing teaching workforce from outside the United States to fill the already vacant spaces(Sonstelie,p36). According to the educational experts, the greatest factor that caused deterioration of the educational standards California is lack of funding and poor ineffective policies(Johnson,p52).. Without funding learning institutions will not manage to handle the overwhelming number of students in public institutions, Funding also helps in the provision of facilities such as laboratories and libraries that are key requirement in any educational institution. Therefore, the state government of California together with the government of United States should work hand in hand in sourcing enough funds to cater for expenses incurred in the education sector. Billion of dollars is required to finance this expensive exercise. Appropriate mechanism to utilize spending and use of this funds should be put in place to ensure that the money is not mismanaged by the corrupt individuals with vested self interests (Sproul, p48). Education Excellency and academic success can never be achieved by single person (Kemerer, p63). The state government of California should call upon the positive minded professionals and ordinary people to give moral support to the new systems. The education professional and policy makers should borrow a leave from states such as Illinois, New York and others that have hard success in their educational system. The people California have a role of promoting learning culture among themselves and their children. The children on the other hand should see practically the benefits of quality education. Parents are great role model to their children and many of them tend to immolate what their parents do (Laspina, p42). Conclusion The dwindling educational standards in California have been largely caused by poor and unpopular policies (Mooney, p24). This is a classical example of how bad policies can destroy the future generation of a country. Although it has taken long time, more than two decades, to realize the impact of such poor policies that resulted to reduction in annual spending of the states in educational matters, California can be in the right path. It is decision to adopt new educational policies that are designed to cater for every child regardless of background origin has got backup from many people. All children especially from the poor homes should get free quality education. It is there right and not a privilege as many people may believe. However the achieving of this worthy cause of action has a number of obstacles that stand in the way. Parents should ensure that children especially the adolescent do not get access to drugs. The exorbitant amount of capital needed to finance the new recomme ndation may be a problem .This calls the state government to cooperate with other states in sourcing the funds. The members of the public are also supposed to work hand in hand with the state authorities in providing lasting solution to these problems (Laspina, p86). Buy custom The Education System in California essay

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Feng Shui House Layout and Big Brother

Feng Shui House Layout and Big Brother The ancient principles of feng shui involve many complicated rules about colors, forms, and spacial design. However, you can incorporate positive chi (energy) into your home by following some simple guidelines. Feng shui masters also believe that you can purposely misuse rules to create chaos, as they do on the Big Brother reality television shows around the world. Feng shui principles can be applied to existing structures, but its much easier to consider placement and architectural elements at the design level. First, select a square or rectangular lot which is level. The square shape provides earthy stability to the overall home. Water views are especially desirable, but dont get too close. Place your front door so that it is easily accessible from the road. However, the pathway to your door should not form a straight line. Also, build only one front door. Never build double doors or two front entryways. Also, avoid rock gardens or obstructions near the entryway. Keep hedges trimmed back. Consult a bagua chart to select the most harmonious placement of rooms. The round bagua can be redrawn into a nine-grid square map that is easily adaptable to the square or rectangular home. Pay special attention to the placement of doors, windows, and stairways. Avoid long corridors and awkward or cramped floor plans. Strive for high, well-lit ceilings. Always seek clean lines and open spaces. Try to keep your new home free of clutter and debris. Consider the relationship between light, color, and mood. Avoid strong overhead lighting and dark, monotone color schemes. Shift the energy of your home with color. Most importantly, listen closely to your instincts. What room arrangements make you feel most comfortable? If your architect does not embrace feng shui ideas, consider hiring a feng shui consultant to assist during the design process. Be sure to fill your home with love and light. Honor it with a celebration. Big Brother Television: Feng Shui Gone Wrong Feng shui aspires to create harmony in your home. What happens when designers deliberately break the rules? The set for the splash TV series Big Brother is a lesson in bad feng shui. When it aired in Europe and then Great Britain back in 2000, the television show Big Brother became the worlds most widely viewed docudrama - a chance for voyeurs to watch real people living inside a camera-filled house during prime time, five nights a week. Now, the Big Brother reality series franchise has spread to the United States, bringing with it a new way of thinking about home design. The concept for the Big Brother show is Orwellian: Ten strangers spend three months under 24-hour surveillance in a bare-basics, 1,800 square foot house. There are two bedrooms furnished with six twin beds and two bunk beds. The bathroom has one toilet, one shower, a washboard and a washtub. The house is equipped with twenty-eight cameras, sixty microphones and sixty-nine camera windows and two-way mirrors. Nine windows face the yard. Big Brother Living Room, 2000. Chris Weeks/Getty Images (cropped) Bad Feng Shui? These factors alone are enough to make most people uneasy. But, to add to the general unrest, designers who created the house for the American version of the show have admitted to using feng shui ideas - to purposely create disharmony!  Follow the rules, and you will have harmony in your home, say feng shui believers. Break the rules to see the impact of disharmonious design. The Front Door The front door to your home should always be protected, say feng shui designers. Curving pathways to the entrance protect the home from angular energy. However, the long path that leads to the Big Brother house is like an arrow, pointing accusingly at the front door. Definitely bad feng shui. The Living Room The heart of family life, the living room is where you should be able to relax and enjoy companionship. Feng shui experts strive to facilitate a positive flow of energy through this area. But in the Big Brother living room, designers worked to do just the opposite. Windows and doors are located on the north wall. There is no exit on the south side. Since energy must enter and exit through the same path, there is constant confusion and conflict. The presence of cameras and two-way mirrors add to this dynamic. Feng shui designers often use mirrors to direct energy, and in the Big Brother living room, mirrors are placed directly across from the large windows on the north-facing wall. By reflecting and intensifying energy waves, these mirrors create perpetual disturbance. Big Brother Seventh Edition, Telecinco Channel TV in Spain. Jose R. Aguirre/Getty Images The Bedroom Your bedroom is a place of rest, privacy, intimacy and refuge. If this room is not a place of harmony, the negative energy will harm your marriage, your home life and your physical well-being, say feng shui pros. In the Big Brother house, the mens bedroom is in a secure location beyond the living area. Although it is not protected from the gaze of Big Brother, its positioning does offer some security. However, the womens bedroom is deliberately placed to create a sense of exposure and vulnerability. It is located directly across from the front door. The Red Room One of the most important, and most turbulent, spaces in the Big Brother house is the Red Room. Here the occupants communicate with Big Brother, seek counsel from a doctor or psychologist, or speak privately with the TV producers. Designers drew upon feng shui principles to create dissonance. First of all, the color scheme is disharmonious. The dark reds and wine shades emphasize the power of Big Brother. Moreover, the small room has only one chair. Visitors must sit with their backs to the door, facing a mirror, where they are certain to feel vulnerable. Colors Color sends strong messages. Change the shade of your walls and doors and your life is transformed, say feng shui believers. For the Big Brother house, designers used color to influence the emotional tone. In stark contrast to the disharmonious Red Room, many other areas of the house are painted soft yellow and muted gray. According to feng shui, the color yellow corresponds to the Five Energies - Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. Yellow is considered appropriate for kitchens, but confusing and unrestful for living areas. The color gray is said to promote introspection. By painting the bathroom mostly gray, the Big Brother designers gave the house occupants a much-needed relief from the overall atmosphere of discord. A fire red bedroom promotes insomnia. Bedroom for Londons Big Brother 2. Dave Hogan/Getty Images Lighting Light is energy, and feng shui designers pay attention to its effects. Harsh overhead lights are to be avoided at all costs. Even when the lights are turned off, energy will stream through the electrical circuitry, creating dissonance. Early episodes of Big Brother show a house with diffused lighting which softly glows from a border around each room. This ensures crisp video images, and also helps create a calm, comfortable environment. So it happens that the lighting of the initial houses was the only aspect of the the Big Brother house that truly expressed good feng shui. They changed that design quickly. The 10 greatest moments on Big Brother involve the personalities of the contestants and not the architecture of the house. The success of reality television is all about outrageous behavior. If you can design a home that promotes eye-catching human reactions and responses, youve got a television smash hit on your hands.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Introduction to Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Introduction to Information Systems - Essay Example However, the possibility of losing significant business information is enormous, and the likelihood of getting significant information for the right people at the right time is short. In addition, implementing a business information system that is capable to incorporate on hand information framework or business traditional working gateway is a challenging job (Dow Jones & Company., 2011), (Laudon & Laudon, 1999) and (Moga & Turner, 2011). This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the new information technology based system application at the Brass Tacks Company Limited (BTC Ltd). This report will analyze some prime aspects those are involved in the overall information based system application at this corporation. Brass Tacks Company Ltd. is presently operational through the traditional/paper-based approach. However, seeing the benefits of information systems, its top management has decided to establish a new business platform that can better handle and manage the business oper ations. BUSINESS OVERVIEW The business structure of Brass Tacks Company Limited is based on selling the door furniture like that brass plates, letter boxes, knockers and knobs to the public. The business was initiated as a small business set-up and now it has been evolved to a vast business arrangement. In this way the business is able to increase sales as well as customer market. In case of traditional business practice of the business that is being performed through the paper based procedures, business is facing a lot of problems. Thus, seeing the improvement in business setup administration needs to implement the new technology based arrangement. This report covers the analysis of aspects which take place during the implementation of this IT system. PROBLEM AREAS Currently, at Brass Tacks Company Limited, people use paper based approach to perform everyday tasks. In such business practice there is dire need for improving or replacing the traditional business practice with IT base d procedure. In this business practice the main and biggest problem is the lack of management control over business. In this scenario, the main problems those are coming out include complex management of business aspects, long searching time, data replication, and complicated business operational cycle and tough management of processing daily orders regarding customer. NEED FOR NEW INFORMATION SYSTEM AT BTC At the present, all the businesses regardless of their size and nature are relying on the information technology for their sustained survival. Obviously there are extensive effects on the traditional business practice through the new technology based business working. However, by using business information system, organizations are able to produce information subjects for the whole business to follow, in addition to the matters for particular business sectors or people working inside the business (Hutchings, 1996), (Dow Jones & Company., 2011) and (Turban et al., 2005). The imple mentation of business information system at Brass Tacks Company Limited will improve the overall business functioning and operations management. In addition, with the implementatio

Friday, October 18, 2019

Why is Charlemagne considered to be the Imperial Father of Europe Essay

Why is Charlemagne considered to be the Imperial Father of Europe - Essay Example He implemented the livre caroliniene standard based upon a pound of silver as the currency of his region. As an economic innovator, he also lay the groundwork for standard accounting practices and computations used for record keeping. Such great accomplishments for a man who was known to many as being uneducated. Though not formally educated himself, the man had a thirst for knowledge and learning. Which is why his reign gave particular importance to growing the academic successes of his people. He is credited with having ushered in the Carolingian Renaissance era that is embodied by the continuous growth of scholarships, literature, and art during his reign. Allowing for a free exchange of knowledge and experience between the countries of his conquering that increased the number of schools and book copying centers in France. Though he worked hard to establish the stability of his empire on both the political and religious front, Charlemagnes attempts to find the perfect balance between the relationship of Church and State was a tenuous one as his reign was based upon the loyalty, efficiency, and support, of his subjects. Religious pressures aside, he still managed to implement what he felt were important political reforms in the realm for the benefit of his subjects. Such were the documented accomplishments of Charlemagne throughout his life that it is easy to see how he could easily have come to be known as the â€Å"Imperial Father† of Europe even if the Roman Catholic church had not bestowed the same title upon him in an apparent political move meant to give the church the upper hand when it came to empire

Midterm for Business Law Ethics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Midterm for Business Law Ethics - Term Paper Example In the second stage of the cycle, action is seen to occur and regardless of the immediate effects that might have been caused by the action, the monetary cycle is seen to move on an things eventually end up correcting themselves. The third stage of the cycle is the inefficiency stage that is seen to characteristically be marked by the inability of the market to sufficiently create wealth as a result of the actions taken during the more frantic times. The fourth stage of the cycle which is the circumvention stage is seen to involve for a lobbying of the removal of the restrictions seen to be placed in the second stage of the cycle and the development by the firms of activities designed to try and circumvent the established rules and achieve the same effects as the forbidden practices. The regulatory cycle is seen to critically affect management decisions in the automotive industry. This is exemplified that in line with the cycle, the increase in carbon dioxide emissions and the result ant attempts by various governments and organizations to try and limit or curb these emissions essentially helps mark out the first stage of the cycle. The decision making of managers in the automotive industry is seen to have been affected by the cycle as they made various decisions to try and act on the increasing CO2 emissions developing various technologies such as biofuels. Question 2: The value of Corporate Sustainability Corporate sustainability which is commonly defined as being the basic corporate response to sustainable development where the organization engages in a number of practices and strategies that are designed to ensure that the organization is able to address the key issues pertaining to the world’s sustainable development. The value of corporate sustainability can never be exaggerated as is demonstrated by the efforts by various companies to try and quickly respond to any crises that might be seen to be endangering the image of the company’s corpor ate sustainability as was the case seen at KFC when reports emerged of excessive animal cruelty at one of its slaughter houses. In the incident, workers were shown displaying excessive animal cruelty when they were recorded stomping on chicken, flinging them mercilessly against the wall and at times even squeezing them to death. In response to this, the company is seen to have responded quickly by sending inspectors to the plant and implemented measures that saw the contractor fire 11 of the employees and extract pledges from the employees at all the other 25 plants to treat animals in a more humane manner (Trevin?o and Nelson 323-324). Taco Bell, a fast food restaurant, is also seen to have quickly responded to a Mexican tomato pickers workers strike by improving the pay offered to the workers and promising to monitor the company’s suppliers as well as adopt an improved code of conduct that would enable the company to be able to drop any suppliers that were seen to abuse far mworkers (Trevin?o and Nelson 324). Trevin?o and Nelson, point out that by effecting a pragmatic approach to matters relating to corporate social responsibility and sustainability, it is possible for an organization’s manager to be able to effectively scan the environment

Community Policing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Community Policing - Research Paper Example Over time this relationship eroded away and the policing strategy moved over to a reformation era which further gave rise to a community problem solving era after the 1960s (Kelling & Moore, 2015) However the role of politics in policing is still undefined in times of uncertainty. This role has changed over time but the affiliation of political powers to that of policing powers can never be negated. This policing power can be easily misused by the politicians if they are given the opportunity. A political era marks the history of the policing department and this should always be kept in mind when implementing new strategies for the police department. This essay would revolve around the issue of political involvement in the policing of the United States. In order to gain an understanding on the topic of politics and police, it becomes necessary to review the order of policing and political affiliations at first. Currently, three systems dominated in the United States namely Legislative, Executive and Judicial. These systems work in a symbiotic environment to help each other and the Police belong to the Executive system. Police however is under constant scrutiny by the judicial system which works as an auditor for the policing powers. The police agencies working under the United States are usually seen at a local level and the head of the police at this local level needs to understand the political background of the place that he is operating in. It is necessary for the policing staff to understand this political background and act in a manner that does not violate the rules set down by the system of the country. The city is mainly under the power of some stakeholders that represent the whole region and this includes the mayor, the c ity manager and the police commissioner. The complex tasks of politics set in when the police has to be answerable to all of them in accordance to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Corona beer Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Corona beer - Case Study Example The cause for unequal demand for alcohol is simply due to recessionary trails in the global economy. The soaring oil prices have caused a price rise for almost all the final goods and services. Though the money income has increased for buyers, the rising consumption expenses are putting downward pressure in the real income level. The beer and alcohol industry not only generates a significant share of many economies national product, but also spawns large employment opportunities. Thus, analysts and researchers are scared that the fall in production capacities of firms due to recession should not render more individuals jobless. At this juncture, it becomes rational to analyze the business of potential alcohol producing firms like Corona Beer. This essay will implicitly discuss the internal and external factors that determine the business of Corona Beer. The context of the research work will enumerate the different marketing strategies Corona beer has adopted to account for higher tur novers in future (DRUGSCOPE, n.d.). Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 SWOT Analysis 5 Strength 6 Weakness 6 Opportunities 6 Threats 7 Staying in Power 8 Porters Five Force Analysis 9 Bargaining Power of Buyers (low) 9 Bargaining Power of Suppliers (weak) 9 Rivalry in the Industry (high) 9 Threat of New Entrants (weak) 10 Menace of Substitutes (strong) 10 Summary and Conclusions 10 References 12 Introduction Corona Beer or Corona Extra is a famous pale larger that was first manufactured in Mexico by Cerveceria Modelo. The company was founded in the recent past at around 1925 in Mexico, but its unique quality and taste soon made it a famous beverage for a large customer base. Grupo Modelo always intended to extend the market of Corona Beer beyond the territories of Mexico. From its inception in 1925, by 1996 the company gained 32.7% share of the total market demand for alcohol in Mexico. The officials of the company first desired to export Cororna Beer to the prospe ctive economies of United States and then planned to enter the other markets. Europe, Latin America and Asian markets were secondary marketplaces for the company (UFL, n.d.). Figure 1: Words Top Beer Companies (Source: Ashok, 2009) The above table explains the market position of Corona in 2005 and 2006. The values are in terms of million barrels shipped. It is evident from the above schedule that the market performance of Corona was mediocre (1.9 of total market share) till 2006 when compared with the other top beer brands. Carlos Fernandez, the chairman of the company analyzed that what was most crucial for the company was to expand its market outside the domestic borders of Mexico. In 2007 the largest beer producer and manufacturing firm in Mexico (Corona) finally decided to enlarge its production capabilities. The company spends a wholesome amount of $300 million to suffice its growing market demand outside Mexico. The company first emerged in the U.S. market in 1979, its nonrefu ndable policy, unique packaging style and differential modes of marketing soon made it a potential competitor in the U.S. alcohol industry, especially in the Southern States. Although, the Federal excise tax rates in beer was increased in U.S., but the Modelo Group passed its incidence on the buyers. Figure 2:

Market Segment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Market Segment - Assignment Example I recognize that I have an enormous responsibility to ensure that my team achieves concrete results in this new endear. Thus, I am committed to ensuring utilization of the leadership qualities of every team member for the betterment of the company. The individual personalities are significant in understanding the leadership approaches suitable for a strong team. I am pleased to present to you the personalities of the individual members of the team that will assists embracing leadership approaches in various organizational cultural differences as our operations expands to new territories. The assessment shows that I possess personality traits such as visionary, argumentative, low tolerance for incompetence, and compassionate. I tend to argue things out and does not embrace any kind of mediocrity. Additionally, I exhibit powerful and passionate vision on what Iwant to achieve, and shares it with the other team members. Moreover, I address people with utmost respect. The assessment results for team member reveal that he is observant, unpretentious, and pragmatic. Notably, the member pays close attention to details and is quick to act. Similarly, he is principled and accepts challenges. Patricia Murray is practical to approach, and initiates goals for the betterment of the team. The team is a goal setter and strives to accomplish the task despite any inherent challenges. The assessment personality traits for Sheila Jones are sociable, fun loving, generous, and spontaneous. The member interacts with everybody without any kind of discrimination along any lines, and is approachable. Similarly, Jones exhibits a lot of generosity and is quick to act. My teammates have distinct leadership approaches that offer the team with diverse skills to endeavor to achieve the goals of the company. I believe that as we utilize different skills to implement the expansion plan, we will foster a top-to-bottom commitment to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Corona beer Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Corona beer - Case Study Example The cause for unequal demand for alcohol is simply due to recessionary trails in the global economy. The soaring oil prices have caused a price rise for almost all the final goods and services. Though the money income has increased for buyers, the rising consumption expenses are putting downward pressure in the real income level. The beer and alcohol industry not only generates a significant share of many economies national product, but also spawns large employment opportunities. Thus, analysts and researchers are scared that the fall in production capacities of firms due to recession should not render more individuals jobless. At this juncture, it becomes rational to analyze the business of potential alcohol producing firms like Corona Beer. This essay will implicitly discuss the internal and external factors that determine the business of Corona Beer. The context of the research work will enumerate the different marketing strategies Corona beer has adopted to account for higher tur novers in future (DRUGSCOPE, n.d.). Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 SWOT Analysis 5 Strength 6 Weakness 6 Opportunities 6 Threats 7 Staying in Power 8 Porters Five Force Analysis 9 Bargaining Power of Buyers (low) 9 Bargaining Power of Suppliers (weak) 9 Rivalry in the Industry (high) 9 Threat of New Entrants (weak) 10 Menace of Substitutes (strong) 10 Summary and Conclusions 10 References 12 Introduction Corona Beer or Corona Extra is a famous pale larger that was first manufactured in Mexico by Cerveceria Modelo. The company was founded in the recent past at around 1925 in Mexico, but its unique quality and taste soon made it a famous beverage for a large customer base. Grupo Modelo always intended to extend the market of Corona Beer beyond the territories of Mexico. From its inception in 1925, by 1996 the company gained 32.7% share of the total market demand for alcohol in Mexico. The officials of the company first desired to export Cororna Beer to the prospe ctive economies of United States and then planned to enter the other markets. Europe, Latin America and Asian markets were secondary marketplaces for the company (UFL, n.d.). Figure 1: Words Top Beer Companies (Source: Ashok, 2009) The above table explains the market position of Corona in 2005 and 2006. The values are in terms of million barrels shipped. It is evident from the above schedule that the market performance of Corona was mediocre (1.9 of total market share) till 2006 when compared with the other top beer brands. Carlos Fernandez, the chairman of the company analyzed that what was most crucial for the company was to expand its market outside the domestic borders of Mexico. In 2007 the largest beer producer and manufacturing firm in Mexico (Corona) finally decided to enlarge its production capabilities. The company spends a wholesome amount of $300 million to suffice its growing market demand outside Mexico. The company first emerged in the U.S. market in 1979, its nonrefu ndable policy, unique packaging style and differential modes of marketing soon made it a potential competitor in the U.S. alcohol industry, especially in the Southern States. Although, the Federal excise tax rates in beer was increased in U.S., but the Modelo Group passed its incidence on the buyers. Figure 2:

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Employees are always likely to work harder when their jobs offer them PowerPoint Presentation

Employees are always likely to work harder when their jobs offer them greater discretion and responsibility. Critically assess this generalisation in the light of job redesign theories - PowerPoint Presentation Example Organizational needs include the quality of the work and high productivity, while the requirements of the manager include aspects such as job satisfaction. Job enrichment is a crucial strategy of job design. This strategy attempts to motivate employees through the development of opportunities for the application of their diverse abilities. The vertical aspects of job design require a change of the challenges, in the job. This aims to improve the employee’s job satisfaction, quality, and reduce problems such as grievances (Rothwell & Kazanas, 2003, p. 396). The strategies for job design include turning the employee’s efforts to performance and linking the performance to reward. The last strategy involves compelling the employee to want the rewards. Turning the employee’s effort to performance requires a well definition and comprehension of the objectives of the job, and providing resources for enhancing employee’s performance. In addition, the organization should develop a supportive culture and ensure flow of information (Rothwell & Kazanas, 2003, p. 400). Linking the employee’s performance to reward requires a clear definition of the reward and explanation of the links between reward and performance. Finally, compelling the employee towards the reward can be achieved using

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Last Supper Painting by Leonardo da Vinci | Analysis

The Last Supper Painting by Leonardo da Vinci | Analysis Through out history there have been many great artists who have made an impression on society as we see it today. Such as Michael Angelo, Raphael, Donatello and Leonardo Davinci. (now you know where the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles got their names). These men took the chance and did what man had never done or tried, they took art to a whole new level. They did this by pushing limitations and elevated man through their paintings, drawings or sculptures. Many of men have tried to reproduce these arts, but couldnt get them as perfect as the artist themselves. The one man and his works we will be discussing in this paper is Leonardo Davinci, The Last Supper, his sketches, Humanism and how he has had an impact on society. Leonardo Davinci Life beginnings of Davinci Davincis life began when he was born out of wedlock on April 15, 1452 to the parents of  Piero Davinci who was a Notary and to a peasant woman named Caterina in a small town called  Vinci. His father raised him most of his life until later on when he married. Between his father  and biological mother they had a total of 17 children. Because Leonardo was born out of  wedlock he was not worthy of any formal education so he couldnt become a notary like his  father, or become a physician or any other noble profession of that time and period. Now Davincis father saw that he had talent at 16 years old and sent him to be an  apprentice to a Florentine artist named Andrea Verrochio. This is where Davinci began his  career as an artist. As Verrochio taught him many skills Davinci talents emerged as an artist and  a sculptor. While still a student of Verrochios Leonardo was accepted into the painters Guild of  Florence. In 1475 Verrochio and his student Leonardo Davinci together painted the Baptism of  Christ. After the painting Verrocchio realized Davinci was a better painter than him and that is  when he decided to put up his paint brushes for good and retired. Now Davinci was known to be a left handed and dyslexic as well as being a  procrastinating perfectionist who left many of his paintings unfinished and even destroyed some. The mystery will go unsolved to as why Davinci left a lot of his work unfinished. Maybe it was  because he was bored or went on to other projects. We also will never know why he destroyed a  lot of his own work, was it because it wasnt as perfect as he wanted it to be. No one will ever  know the answer, but Davinci himself. However Davinci did finish his first solo painting in  1478 of the Madonna and Child. In 1481 he started painting the Adoration of Magi but never  finished. But in this painting he did reveal what type of technique he used by painting with a  dark surface first than adding elements of light. Now in 1482 Leonardo entered the service of Duke of Milan. The seventeen years that  he spent with the Duke, The Duke always kept him busy painting, designing weapons buildings  and machinery. After the Duke was overthrown Davinci fled to Venice with his assistant and  friend the mathematician Luca Pacioli where he became employed as a military architect and  engineer, devising methods to defend the city from naval attack. In 1500 he returned to Florence  where he created the cartoon of The Virgin and Child with St. John the Baptist. 1502 he entered the service of Cesare Borgia who was the son of Pope Alexander VI as  military architect and engineer. Maps were rare and probably a new concept, but Leonardo  created a map of Borgias stronghold and the township. After seeing the designs and liking  them Borgia made Leonardo his chief military engineer and architect. He was also know for  creating a map while working on another project of constructing a dam that would lead from the  sea to Florence and this would allow a supply of water to sustain the canal during all seasons. Even though Leonardo suffered from paralysis of his right hand he still went on to draw  and paint while teaching others how to paint and draw. Now it is said when Leonardo passed  away on May 2, 1519 the king of France was there by his side cradling his head in his arms. Leonarado Davinci: The original Renaissance man When one thinks of a Renaissance man, what names would one think of? They may  think of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Michael Angelo, Christopher Columbus, William  Shakespeare. Even though these men were very smart, well educated and well rounded for their  time, the only man that is known to be the Original Renaissance man is Leonardo Davinci.,  everything you could vision, do, or invent he had already done, vision or invented. Davinci had many talents; he was a sculptor even though none of his sculptures  survived. He was also a artist, an anatomist, a biologist, a botanist, an engineer, an inventor, a  meteorologist, a musician, a physicist and a writer. He was known to become a master in every  field that he studied. Like Albert Einstein he was a genius well ahead of his time by hundreds  of years. If one were to define the meaning of Renaissance man that definition would be  Leonardo Davinci. Davincis inventions and the modern world Davinci kept his writings, and drawings that pertained to art, science and philosophy in  notebooks which contained about 13,000 pages through out the course of his lifetime. Davincis  sketches have helped science in many ways. Such as his in-depth drawings of the human  anatomy. These sketches have assisted doctors to diagnose diseases and illness in people, and  because these sketches have been in great detail they have enable surgeons to perform better  during surgery. If it wasnt for Leonardo Davinci going into the morgue at night and stealing  bodies, to do autopsies then studying the human body, who knows we might not have any  sketches that is so elaborate of the bone and muscle structure, along with the reproductive  system as we know it today. His excellent description of the human body were well drawn and  easy to understand in his notebooks. In 1505 400 years before the Wright brothers launched their plane the Kitty Hawk,  Davinci had already designed a flying machine. Even though it was just an idea and remained  that way, he gave man wings and left them with an ego. This idea was considered to be part of a  new vision of man as and as a co-creator, almost equal to God. The Famous Last Supper The Last Supper and Humanism Now while Davinci still was serving for the Duke of Milan he was commissioned to paint The Last Supper. Davinci knowing how important this was, he had to decide the location of where the painting would be painted. After great though he decided the Last Supper should be painted on the dinning room wall of the monastery were the monks sat down to eat dinner, located in Santa Maria Delle Grazi. The reasoning behind this was every time the monks would sit down to dinner it would be like sitting down with Jesus and his disciples for their last meal. Therefore Davinci knew that when the Last Supper was painted before, the painters always focused on the breaking of the bread, not on the moment Jesus told the apostles that one would betray him. So Leonardo set out to do just that. First he wanted to bring realism to the Mural, and he actually wanted to show the dramatic moment when Jesus told his closest friends (disciples) that one of them would betray him. After the announcement there is s uch uproar amongst all the disciples, which at this time Leonardo captures, showing each of their reactions? Now the first step was to duplicate everything in the dinning room from the table at which Jesus and his apostles sat at, to the dinning hall windows, and to the illuminated wall that appears to be lit by the window of the room. The Second was to start painting, Leonardo look at how other artist isolated Judas, and putting him on one side of the table as if he was being punished. Leonardo seats him with the others, who are arranged in four groups of three around Jesus. (They say three is considered to be a holy number, such as the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.) The other disciples arguing and looking at one another except the one on the right hand of Jesus who is Judas trying to find out who will betray him. But what Leonardo does he puts shadows around the guilty one. And the silence of Judas and his clutched hands had given him away. Now it is said the Leonardo used real subjects for The Last supper, and that he painted them one by one, putting them in where they belonged., and the person who he choose to pose as Jesus was not affected by sin. When he went to paint Judas he searched every where, and couldnt find anyone that would fit the description he was looking for. Until one day he stumbled upon this man in prison who was sentence to die for the life of crime and murder, that fit his description of a man who had long shaggy hair and was dark skinned, his face that had deceit it in and someone would betray his best friend no matter what the cost. It is said that after Davinci had finished his perfect painting, he told the guard to take the man a way. But the man looked at Davinci before being taken away he asked him if he remembered him, and he said no. He then Looked up into the heavens and said : Oh lord have I fallen so low, then turning his face to the painter he cried, Leonardo Davinci, look at me again, for I am the same man you painted just seven years ago as the figure of Christ (ANGELFAIRY.US, para. 6). We do know that this picture has a lot of human emotions, which would be the first of its kind. Also we do know during the Renaissance period artist did find ways of expressing themselves through their pieces of work, such as adding symbols that would convey someones thoughts and opinions. Also Artist also started adding realistic features to their painting to them look more human. This is where the concept of Humanism came into place. Philosophy of Humanism Chirtianity views on the Last Supper When The Last Supper is mentioned, what comes to mind? Is it the last meal that is offered to a death row inmate before he is put to death for the crimes he committed: Is it the last meal that we partake in before going to bed at night, it could be? But it actually is the last meal Jesus and his twelve disciples partook of the night before he was crutisfied. Now, no one knows what was exactly eaten at this meal, but we do know according to the Bible there was bread and wine at the table. Now Christians of all backgrounds of all religions believe The Last Supper was an important event, and no matter what name you may give it (sacrament, communion, eucharist) it has the same meaning each time they partake of it. They believe it is a quite time that is set aside to remember his death, and it should be always be done in a respectful manner to honor him and to thank him for giving his life for us on the cross. Christians also believe it should be a time when a person also reflects on his or her life. No matter how many times commuion is taken the bread will always symbolize his body and the wine will also symbolizes his blood. thats why he said to Take this bread and eat in remembrance of me for this is my body, then he took the wine and said drink for this my blood that I will shed for you do drink in remembrance of me. Christians believe when he partook in the last supper, he was trying to tell them that we were going to be persecuted for what we believe, and we may even reject him so no harm comes to them. How the Last Supper Influenced Contemporary Society? Davinci Code and The Last Supper Art is about suggestions, not answers. When you have an answer, if yourre not like most people, you tend to stop looking. With Great art, you never stop looking. (Art History for Dummies, 2007, p.164). Since Leonardos Davincis death there has been many theories about his paintings, some are lead to believe that there may be hidden images in them. But not until recently when Dan Browns book and the movie the The Davinci Code has there been such conterversy. He posed a lot of questions such as if what ifs such as What if Jesus was married, had a child with Mary Magdalene? Was he member of a secret society or the Priory of Sion. Mr. Brown has even gone as far as saying instead of John in the picture that the woman sitting next to Christ is Mary Magdalene. Many Catholics and Christians around the world have been intrigued in Mr Browns thoughts and thats why they go on to read the book and watch the movie. Is it truth or is it fiction. It is just what another man or men are led to believe and the mysteries that lie beyond Davincs paintings. Mr. Brown at least puts the questions out there along with other people who have gone on to do the research for themselves. It is not to question the Bible, but about what ifs. One just has to examine The Last Supper for themselves to see if these conspircys are true and it is up to them to believe or not.